Amazon Best Seller
in Industrial Technology
The Problem Solving Method all Modern Engineers Must Know
Backed with Engineering stories you don't normally get to hear.
Sharpen your skills. Lead Engineers keep their problem-solving skills at the highest level.
Approach problems with purpose. Learn to reduce your time spent solving problems and eliminate stress in a practical way.
Becoming a "Go-to" expert Engineer doesn't have to mean 10 years of experience
The good news is there is a more practical way to have an impact on your engineering projects.
10+1 starts with the question. At first it seems there are many questions and few answers, but as you gain experience you learn that answers are easy. The real challenge is finding the right question.

Andrew Sario
When Andrew Sario started out as an Engineer there was always a balance between applying techniques learned from studying versus simply getting things done. Working across multiple projects in different roles meant applying different methods to solve problems.
Andrew noticed a pattern.
These are the 10+1 Steps to Problem Solving:
The Question
The Obvious
Check Yourself
Doctor G
The RTFM Protocol
What about the Environment?
No matter the problems you want to fix you will naturally use one or all of these steps. ​(There's an 11th secret step, making it 10+1 - you'll see in the book).
But where you'll get stuck is knowing what to use and when, what mindset and approach you should have for each step and when it can be re-used.
How do you know what the actual problem is?
How do you know when you should ask for help?
What do you do if the problem is vague?
What if you don't know this specific technology, tool, industry or company?
10+1 Steps to Problem Solving will help you consistently solve problems and get recognized as an asset to your team, enabling you to work on bigger and better projects.
It won't happen overnight, but this book will help you solve problems and give you a blueprint for exactly what to do next.

Patrick Olugbimero
Graduate Electrical Engineer, UGL
I'd highly suggest Andrew's content even to people that aren't engineers. His content has a certain philosophy to it that can be applied to more than just engineering. The simplicity of the action steps is also highly reassuring and makes his advice applicable but also challenging at the same time.

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10+1 Steps to Problem Solving: An Engineer's Guide was published on 30th of November, 2020.
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Yes, you can still get the skills you need.
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Become the "Go-to" Engineer
Read the 10+1 Steps to Problem Solving book online for FREE to learn how to solve the right problems faster and become an asset to your fellow engineers.
Approach problems with purpose. Reduce the time spent solving problems and mitigate stress in a practical way.
You can read the first 4 chapters online for FREE.

Don't Over Think It
At the end of the day there is no one way to do this. You can very easily lookup steps for problem solving and there are several versions mostly saying the same thing.
Identify the problem
Breakdown the problem
Understand everyone's interests
List solutions
Evaluate options
Plan implementation
These are similar steps to what you find in Engineering processes for problem solving. They are not wrong.
The problem with these lists is...
They don't really help you. They have 2 key problems:
They are too high level / conceptual and are detached from practicality
Solutions and planning focused - half the list is about solution planning
So what's different about the 10+1 approach?
All 10 steps are directly about getting you to solution options (apply solutions as per company or industry best practices) faster and you are encouraged to iterate through potential solutions as opposed to, planning, evaluating, listing, etc.
Each step has a realistic portion to them and are detailed yet simple. They are geared towards refining your logic, reshaping your mindset and giving you an approach that helps in real life and supports the actual stages of problem solving you will face.
10+1 is where you start reliably helping engineers solve problems and develop trust in your skills.
What about +1?
This 11th step is really what brings you to "the next level". Where even when all 10 steps fail you have one more trick up your sleeve and should really only be used as a last resort. You can come up with the clutch save and really get things done.
You are trying to reduce the average time it takes you to come to a possible solution and want to leverage your consistency to land you bigger and better projects, Have an impact.
The 10+1 Steps to Problem Solving will help you get there.
What are you waiting for?