Breaking Down Engineering Concepts and Applying them to Real Life
Solving problems in creative and innovative ways is a hallmark of the engineering process. Why not use them to solve every day problems too?
This is an engineering podcast that finds parallels between engineering solutions and provides real tactics, mindsets, philosophies, ideas and tools to improve both your career and life with expert problem solving skills.
This is the Engineering IRL Podcast.
A Podcast for Engineers
You may be like me, an Engineer looking for podcasts in the industry so you can passively learn. Not only technical training, but real tactics, mindsets, philosophies, ideas and tools to improve your career and your problem solving skills.
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Spotify: Business & Technology
"As somebody interested in becoming an engineering, this show is a god send! There are so many great topics and Andrew is such a great host! I’m tuning in for more."
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BtE Top Engineering Podcasts
"The podcast is perfect not only working engineers, up and coming engineers but really anyone looking to improve their problem-solving skills."
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Patrick Olugbimero
Graduate Electrical Engineer, UGL
I'd highly suggest Andrew's content even to people that aren't engineers. His content has a certain philosophy to it that can be applied to more than just engineering. The simplicity of the action steps is also highly reassuring and makes his advice applicable but also challenging at the same time.